The XDeep NX Backplate and Harness is comfortable, stable and protective of your back. Choose either a standard single-loop harness or a deluxe version with quick-release clips and shoulder pads.
Ergonomic backplate
The classic back plates design history dates back to what could be cut out of an old road sign. For the first time since then, XDeep has looked properly at the ergonomics and anatomy of the back. The redesign has created a plate that is better in every respect.
Enlarging the upper part of the back plate has achieved better weight distribution during the dive and removes load from the lumbar region.
The lower plate design spreads the load comfortably and safely, allowing for the optimal attachment of weight pockets and accessories.
Easier to put on and take off
The back plate design has resulted in major improvements in donning and doffing the system.
When the harness is unfastened, the shoulder straps are 20% longer than in a classic harness. This creates more room even if you have restricted movement in the shoulders. Tightening the waist strap buckle pulls the shoulder straps snugly down, perfectly tensioning the harness fit to your body. No need to adjust for changes from the wetsuit to the drysuit. The system is comfortably held closer to your body, stabilising the entire scuba unit.